International Workshop on Global Change Projection: Modeling, Intercomparison, and Impact Assessment jointly with 3rd International Workshop on KAKUSHIN Program
- Gleckler, P.: Performance metrics for climate modles in AR5.
- Zhang, C.: Simulations of the Madden-Julian Oscillation by global climate models.
- Takayabu, Y. N.: Evaluation of CMIP3 model performances for various phenomena in the atmosphere and ocean, in the present-day climate and in future projections in the MOE S-5 project.
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- Yokoi, S., and Y. N. Takayabu: Multi-model projection of tropical cyclogenesis over the western North Pacific using CMIP3 archive.
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- Kosaka, Y., and H. Nakamura: Atmospheric circulation and its variability over the summertime northwestern Pacific simulated in the CMIP3 climate models.
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- Inoue, T., and H. Ueda: Comparison of the seasonal evolution of the summer monsoon over the Asian and western North Pacific sector in the WCRP CMIP3 multi-model experiments.
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- Oshima, K., and Y. Tanimoto: An evaluation in reproducibility of Pacific Decadal Oscillation on the simulations of CMIP3 models.
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- Sueyoshi, M., T. Yasuda, and T. Ose: First baroclinic Rossby radius in CMIP3 models.
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- Ichikawa, H., H. Masunaga, and H. Kanzawa: Evaluation of precipitation and upper-level clouds associated with large-scale circulation over the tropical Pacific Ocean in the coupled AOGCMs.
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