International Workshop on Downscaling 2011

January 18 - 20, 2011
Tsukuba, Japan
Venue: EPOCHAL TSUKUBA, Tsukuba, Japan


Based on the discussions during the first workshop held in January 25-27, 2010, we will talk over the common important problems we are facing. In addition to the relevant progress made during the past year, we would like to highlight the following:

  1. Usability of the downscaled product: In the last year's workshop, we found that there was a large gap between the capability of models and user's requirement. We will discuss how to fill the gaps, particularly in connection with statistical down-scaling.
  2. Predictability of RCM: How to meet the Dr. R. Pielke's criticism on value added by regional model. Dr. Kimura and several others showed an example of the added value by RCM, last year. We would like to further deepen the discussions in relation to the fundamental problem addressed by Dr. Kanamitsu.
  3. Suggestions on the future of downscaling research: Summarizing the discussions in 1 and 2, we intend to come up with a list of fundamental and essential unresolved problems in downscaling. We will try to define the breakthrough points that determine the future of the downscaling research.

(Workshop Chair: Izuru Takayabu)

Workshop Agenda

Day 1, January 18

09:30 Opening Remarks Dr. A. Sumi
09:40 Objectives of this WS Dr. I. Takayabu
Special sessionChair: Dr. S. Emori
09:50 Introducing this session (Dr. S. Emori)
SP18-01 10:00 Downscaling as a contributor to developing robust messages of change Dr. Bruce Hewitson
SP18-02 10:35 The project for large ensemble modelling of southern African weather risk Dr. Daithi Stone
SP18-03 11:10 Coupled atmosphere and land surface data assimilation system for downscaling Dr. T. Koike
Usability of the downscaled productChair: Dr. E. Nakakita
13:30 Purpose of this session Dr. I. Takayabu
US18-01 13:40 Keynote lecture Dr. E. Nakakita
US18-02 14:10 Downscale of seasonal forecasts over the Philippines and NE Brazil: Dynamical vs Statistical approaches Dr. A. Robertson
US18-03 14:40 Climate change impact assessment and use of downscaled climate information for adaptation planning Dr. H. Kanamaru
US18-05 15:10 Assessing the hydrological impacts of climate change at the local scale: Dynamical coupling of a regional climate model to a hydrological model Dr. M. Drews
Chair: Dr. M.Nishimori
US18-04 15:50 Delivaring local-sclae climate scenarios for impact assessments Dr. M. Semenov
US18-07 16:10 Intercomparison of downscaled daily precipitation indeces over Japan in present-day and future: Dynamical and bias-correction-type statistical downscaling methods Dr. T. Iizumi
US18-08 16:30 MMSR-SD for multi-surface climate elements over Japan by using the general circulation field from GCMs and RCMs Dr. M. Nishimori
US18-09 16:50 Bias correction of precipitation with considering spatial structure of precipitation Dr. Y. Iseri
US18-10 17:10 A new project on development and application of comprehensive downscaling methods over Hokkaido Dr. M .Inatsu
US18-11 17:30 Numerical Study on the Urban Climate by the University of Tsukuba Dr. H. Kusaka
17:50 Discussion

Day 2, January 19

Predictability of RCMChair: Dr. K. Dairaku
09:40 Purpose of this session Dr. I. Takaybau
PR19-01 09:50 Prof. Pielke's criticism (Remotely by using Skype) Dr. Roger Pielke Sr.
10:30 Discussion
10:50 Assessment of add-value of dynamical downscaling in Japan Dr. K. Dairaku
Some thoughts on regional dynamic downscaling ability Dr. Y-K Xue
Internal variability of dynamically downscaled tropcial cyclones over the western North Pacific by the IPRC Regional Climate Model Dr. Y. Wang
On the Appropriateness of Spectral Nudging in Regional Climate Models Dr. C. L. Castro
Spectral Nudging for Dynamical Downscaling Studies Dr. K. Yoshimura
Few thoughts and examples Dr. P. Gachon
12:10 Discussion
Chair: Dr. T. Sato
PR19-02 14:30 Adding value by regional models revisited: New lessons learned by exploring the ENSEMBLES RCMs Dr. J. H. Christensen
PR19-03 15:00 Creating dynamically downscaled seasonal climate forecast and climate projection information for the North American Monsoon region suitable for decision making purposes Dr. C. L. Castro
PR19-04 15:30 Climate variability and changes at the regional scale: what we can learn from various downscaling approaches Dr. P. Gachon
PR19-06 16:20 Feasibility of a monitoring and predicting system of the airport weather Dr. T. Iwasaki
PR19-07 16:50 A downscaling simulation on cold and hot summer (2003/2004) in northeast Japan Dr. M. Sawada
PR19-08 17:10 Potential impact of land use change over northern Japan in a changing climate Dr. T. Sato
PR19-09 17:30 A downscale experiment on the heavy precipitation during the Jakarta Flood event in January-Februaly 2007 Mr. N. J. Trilaksono
PR19-10 17:50 Impact of Cloud Microphysics Data Assimilation System (CMDAS) over the Ocean for the improvement of short term precipitation prediction by integrating the satellite data set Dr. C. R. Mirza
18:10 Discussion
18:45 Reception at San-sui tei

Day 3, January 20

US18-06 09:40 A new metric to evaluate the added value by regional models (Presentation by someone else) Dr. M. Kanamitsu
PR19-05 10:10 RCMs' Dynamic Downscaling Ability and Major Factors that Affect this Ability Dr. Y-K Xue
PR20-02 10:40 Improved representation of boundary layer clouds over the Southeast Pacific in WRF-ARW using a modified Tiedtke cumulus parameterization scheme Dr. Y. Wang
PR20-03 11:10 Dynamical Downscaling of Future Projections of Global Climate over California Dr. K. Yoshimura
Suggestion on the future of the downscaling researchChair: Dr. I. Takayabu
13:00 Purpose of this session Dr. I. Takayabu
13:30 Rapporter of each session Dr. T. Iizumi
Dr. K. Dairaku
Dr. A. S. Adachi
14:20 Down scaling: Challenges in tomorrows applications Dr. J. H. Christensen
15:00 Discussion