Lists of books and writing participation
- In: Cynthia Rosenzweig, Martin Parry, Manishka De Mel, Our Warming Planet: Climate Change
Impacts and Adaptation (Lectures in Climate Change, 2), World Scientific Pub Co Inc, 682p
- Hijioka Y.: Lecture 19 Climate Change and Natural Disasters in Japan. (498-525)
- In: Iizumi T., Hirata R., Matsuda R.eds., Adaptation to Climate Change in Agriculture, Springer,
- Okada M.: Information Platform for Local Governments in Japan. (139-156)
- In: Chaouki Ghenai and Tareq Salameh, Sustainable Air Conditioning Systems, IntechOpen, 139p
- Hirano Y., Nakamura S., Gomi K., Togawa T., Fujita T., Oba M.: Introduction of
low-carbon community energy systems by combining information networks and
cogeneration-type district heating and cooling systems. (99-120)
- In: Fujimori S., Kainuma M., Masui T.ed., Post-2020 Climate Action: Global and Asian
Perspective, Springer, 328p
- Kainuma M., Fujimori S., Masui T.: Introduction: Overview and Key Messages. (1-9)
- Fujimori S., Su X., Liu J., Hasegawa T., Takahashi K., Masui T., Takimi M.: Implications
of the Paris Agreement in the Context of Long-Term Climate Mitigation Goals. (11-29)
- Takahashi K., Emori S., Fujimori S., Masui T.: Risks from Global Climate Change and the
Paris Agreement. (31-44)
- Liu J., Fujimori S., Masui T.: Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Global Mitigation
Cost: INDCs and Equity. (45-63)
- Fujimori S., Kubota I., Dai H., Takahashi K., Hasegawa T., Liu C., Hijioka Y., Masui T.,
Takimi M.: The Effectiveness of the International Emissions Trading under the Paris
Agreement. (65-75)
- Shukla P. R. , Mittal S., Liu J., Fujimori S., Dai H., Zhang R.: India INDC Assessment:
Emission Gap Between Pledged Target and 2 °C Target. (113-124)
- Fujimori S., Siagian U. W. R., Hasegawa T., Yuwono B. B., Boer R. , Immanuel G., Masui
T.: An Assessment of Indonesia’s Intended Nationally Determined Contributions. (125-142)
- Limmeechokchai B., Chunark P., Fujimori S., Masui T.: Asian INDC Assessments: The Case
of Thailand. (157-178)
- Tran T. T. , Fujimori S., Masui T.: Realizing the Intended Nationally Determined
Contribution: The Role of Renewable Energies in Vietnam. (179-200)
- Fujimori S., Masui T., Matsuoka Y.: AIM/CGE V2.0 Model Formula. (201-303)
- Fujimori S., Hasegawa S., Masui T.: AIM/CGE V2.0: Basic Feature of the Model. (305-328)
- In: Shimizu H., Takatori C., Kawaguchi N.eds., Labor Forces and Landscape Management, Springer,
- Ooba M., Hayashi K.: Connection to ecosystem services studies. (441-448)
- In: Fujimori S.,Masui T.,Matsuoka Y., The WSPC Reference on Natural Resources and Environmental
Policy in the Era of Global Change Volume 3: Computable General Equilibrium Models, World
Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd, 492p
- Fujimori S., Masui T., Matsuoka Y.: CHAPTER 9: A Global Computable General Equilibrium
Model Coupled with Bottom-Up Energy End-Use Technology. (296-306)
- Hasegawa T., Fujimori S., Shin Y., Takahashi K., Masui T., Tanaka A.: CHAPTER 8: Global
Assessment of Agricultural Adaptation to Climate Change using CGE Model. (438-445)
- In: Ram M. Shrestha, Sunil Malla, Migara H. Liyanage, Climate Policy and Energy Development in
Thailand: an Assessment, Regional Energy Resourced Information Center
- Thepkhun P., Bundit L., Fujimori S., Masui T., Shrestha R.: Thailand's Low-Carbon
Scenario 2050: The AIM/CGE Analysises of CO2 Mitigation Measures. (175-199)
- In: FUJINO Junichi ed., Governance of Urban Sustainability Transitions, Springer, 195p
- Wittmayer J.M., Mizuguchi S., Fujino J.: City Networks for Sustainability Transitions in
Europe and Japan. (33-45)
- In: Shuzo Nishioka, Enabling Asia to Stabilise the Climate, Springer Singapore, 270p
- Masui T., Ashina S., Fujimori S., Kainuma M.: GHG Reduction Potential in Asia. (3-22)
- Masui T., Oshiro K., Kainuma M.: Eighty Percent Reduction Scenario in Japan. (55-66)
- Kainuma M., Pandey R.: Energy and Socioeconomic Systems to Realize Low Carbon Society
(LCS). (3547-3564)
- In: Ancha Srinivasan, Frank Hiroshi Ling, Hideyuki Morieds., CLIMATE SMART DEVELOPMENT IN ASIA,
- Fujino J.: The potential for low carbon climate resilient economy (LCS) in Japan.
- In: Field, C.B., V. Barros, T.F. Stocker, D. Qin, D.J. Dokken, K.L. Ebi, M.D. Mastrandrea, K.J.
Mach, G.-K. Plattner, S.K. Allen, M. Tignor, and P.M. Midgleyeds., Managing the Risks of Extreme
Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation, Cambridge University Press
- Handmer J., Honda Y., Kundzewicz Z.W., Arnell N., Benito G., Hatfield J., Mohamed I.F.,
Peduzzi P., Wu S., Takahashi K. et al.: Changes in impacts of climate extremes: human
systems and ecosystems. (231-290)
- In: Ryo Fujikura and Tomoyo Toyotaeds., Climate Change Mitigation and International Development
Cooperation, Routledge
- Fujino J.: Asian Low-carbon society Scenario development and policy implementation.
- In: UNEP eds., The Fifth Global Environment Outlook (GEO-5) , United Nations Environment
- Abdullaev I., Amin R., Asayama Y., Bengtsson M., Elder M., Bengtsson M., Dobias R.,
Elder M., Fuentes R. , Ganguly A., Jiang G., Kainuma M., Kataoka Y. , Olsen S. H.,
Suhardiman D.: Chapter 10 Asia and the Pacific. (259-289)
- In: Brauch H.G eds., Coping with Global Environmental Change, Disasters and Security: Threats,
Challenges, Vulnerabilities and Risks, Springer
- Kanie N., Nishimoto H., Hijioka Y., Kameyama Y.: Implications of Equity Considerations
and Emission Reduction Targets: Lessons from the case of Japan's mid-term target.
- In: Edenhofer O., Pichs-Madruga R., Sokona Y., Seyboth K., Matschoss P., Kadner S., Zwickel T.,
Eickemeier P., Hansen G., Schlomer S., von Stechow C.,eds., RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES CLIMATE
CHANGE MITIGATION, Cambridge University Press
- Fujino J.: Renewable Energy in the Context of Sustainable Development. (707-789)
- In: Masui T.ed., Climate change and global sustainability: A holistic approach, United Nations
- Masui T.: chap.7, Integration of a low-carbon society with a resource-circulating and
nature-harmonious society. (258-277)
- In: Yoshida F.,Ikeda M.eds., Sustainable Low-Carbon Society, Hokkaido Univ.
- Kainuma M.: Pathways towards a Low-Carbon Society in Japan by 2050. (91-108)
- In: Metz B.,Davidson O.Bosch P.eds., Climate Change 2007: Mitigation of Climate Change,
Cambridge Univ.Press
- Alfsen K., Morlot J.C., Chesnaye F., Hourcade J.-C., Jiang K., Kainuma M., Rovere E.L.,
Matysek A., Rana A., Riahi K.: Issues related to mitigation in the long-term context.
- In: PARRY M.L., Canziani O.F., Palutikof J.P.eds., Climate Change 2007: Impacts, Adaptation and
Vulnerability. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fourth Assessment Report of the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Cambridge Univ.Press
- Adger W.N., Agrawala S., Mirza M.M.Q., Conde C., O'Brien K., Pulhin J., Pulwarty R.,
Smit B., Takahashi K.: Assessment of adaptation practices, options, constraints and
capacity. (717-744)
- In: Schlesinger M., Kheshgi H., Smith J. eds., Human-induced Climate Change, Cambridge Univ.Pr.
- Kainuma M., Matsuoka Y., Masui T., Takahashi K., Fujino J., Hijioka Y.: Climate policy
assessment using the Asia-Pacific Integrated Model. (314-327)
- In: UNEP eds., Global Environment Outlook GEO 4: Environment for Development, Progress Press
- Rothman D.S., Agard J., Alcamo J., Alder J., Al-Zubari W.K., Chenje M., Eickhout B.,
Galt M., Hijioka Y., Kainuma M.: Section E The Outlook-Towards 2015 and Beyond, Chapter
9 The Future Today. (395-454)
- Masui T., Takahashi K., Kainuma M., Matsuoka Y.: Integrated assessment of global warming
stabilization scenarios by the Asia-Pacific integrated model. (101-111)
- In: Rubin E.S.,Keith D.W.,Gilboy G.F.eds., Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, Elsevier
- Hanaoka T., Matsuhashi R., Yoshida Y.: A quantitative evaluation of fluorocarbon
emissions and a study of multilateral environmental policies. (861-869)
- In: Potting J.,Bakkes J.eds., The GEC-3 Scenarios 2002-2032 Quantification and Analysis of
Environmental Impacts, UNEP/RIVM
- Bakkes J., Henrichs T., Kemp-Benedict E., Masui T., Nellemann C., Potting J., Rana A.,
Raskin P., Rothman D.: Municipal waste and emissions in Asia and the Pacific. (101-118)
- In: Kainuma M.,Matsuoka Y.,Morita T.eds., Climate Policy Assessment Asian-Pacific Integrated
Modeling, Springer
- Harasawa H., Matsuoka Y., Takahashi K., Hijioka Y., Shimada Y., Munesue Y., Lal M.:
Potential impacts of global climate change. (37-54)
- In: Brebbia C.A., Zannetti P.eds., Development & Application of Computer Techniques to
Environmental Studies 9, WIT Press
- Rana A., Masui T.: Modeling for environmental policy in India. (217-226)
- In: Kainuma M., Matsuoka Y., Morita T.eds., Climate Policy Assessment
Asian-Pacific Integrated Modeling, Springer
- Kainuma M., Matsuoka Y., Morita T.: AIM modering-overview and major findings. (3-13)
- Morita T., Jiang K., Masui T., Matsuoka Y., Rana A.: Long-term Scenarios based on AIM
Model. (17-36)
- Kainuma M., Matsuoka Y., Morita T., Masui T., Takahashi K.: Cost analysis of mitigation
policies. (55-72)
- Kainuma M., Matsuoka Y., Hibino G., Shimada K., Ishii H., Matsui S., Morita T.:
Application of AIM/Enduse model to Japan. (155-176)
- Masui T., Rana A., Matsuoka Y.: AIM/Material model. (177-196)
- Takahashi K., You S., Sun J., Li Z., Masui T., Morita T., Matsuoka Y., Harasawa H.:
Impact and adaptation assessment on a national scale-case studies on water in China.
- Fujino J., Matsui S., Matsuoka Y., Kainuma M.: AIM/Trend-policy interface. (217-232)
- Hibino G., Matsuoka Y., Kainuma M.: AIM/Common Database-a tool for AIM family linkage.
- Hibino G., Pandey R., Matsuoka Y., Kainuma M.: A Guide to AIM/Enduse Model. (247-301)
- In Tyson, P., R. Fuchs, C. Fu, L. Lebel, A.P. Mitra, E. Odada, J. Perry, W. Steffen , H. Virji
eds., In Global-Regional Linkages in the Earth System, The IGBP Series, Springer
- Fu C., Harasawa H., Kasyanov V., Kim J-W., Ojima D., Wan Z., Zhao S.: Chapter 4
Regional-Global Interactions in East Asia. (109-149)
- In: Yasuda Y. eds., The Origins of Pottery and Agriculture, Roli Books Pvt. Ltd., 400p.
- Morita T., Matsuoka Y.: Global Climate Change and Food Problems. (321-326)
- In: Matsuno T., Kida H.eds., Present & Future of Modeling Global Environmental change:
Toward Integrated Modeling, TERRAPUB
- Matsuoka Y., Morita T., Kainuma M.: Integrated assessment model of climate change: the
AIM approach. (339-361)
- Sumi A., T. Morita: Discussion on strategy toward modeling of integrated system.
- Masui T., Matsuoka Y., Morita T., Kainuma M., Takahashi K.: Development of land use
model for IPCC new emission scenarios(SRES). (441-448)
- In McCarthy J.J., Canziani O.F., Leary N.A., Dokken D.J., White K.S. eds., Contribution of
Working Group II to the Third Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change, Cambridge University Press
- Lal M., Harasawa H., Murdiyarso D.: Chapter 11 Asia, Climate Change 2001 Impacts,
Adaptation, and Vulnerability (533-590)
- In: Domoto A., Iwatsuki K., Kawamichi T., McNeely J.,eds., A THREAT TO LIFE, Tsukiji Shokan
- Kainuma M., Morita T., Matsuoka Y.: Greenhouse Gas Emission Scenarios.(19‐23)
- In: F.Lo et al. eds., The Sustainable Future of the Global System III, United Nations University
- Morita T.: Global Modeling and Future Scenario for Climate Stabilization based on SRES
World ? A Comparative Analysis on Development Paths and Climate Policies.
- In: Nakicenovic N. et al. eds., A Special Report of Working Group III of the Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change, Cambridge University Press
- Nakicenovic N., Alcamo J., Davis G., Vries B.De, FehhannJ., Graffin S., Gregory K.,
Grubler A., Jung T.Y., Morita T.: Special Report on Emissions Scenarios
- In Morita T., Kainuma M., Kai K., Harasawa H., Takahasi K. eds., Asian-Pacific Integrated Model,
AIM Project Team, 83p.
- In: Tsuchiya H.,Matsuoka Y.,Van Wijk Ad.J.M.,Phylipsen G.J.M.eds., Key Technology Policis to
Reduce CO2 Emissions in Japan, WWF Japan, 58p.
- Kainuma M., Matsuoka Y., Morita T.: The AIM Model and simulations. (39‐57)
- In: 0masa K.,Kai K.,Taoda H.,Uchijima Z.& Yoshino M.eds.,Clim.Change & Plants East Asia,
- Kai K., Kainuma M., Murakoshi N.: Effects of global warming on the phenological
observation in Japan. (85‐92)
- In: Hibino G., Kainuma M., Matsuoka Y., Morita T. eds., Two-level mathematical programming for
analyzing subsidy options to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, IIASA, 20p
- In: Nakicenovic N.,Nordhaus W.,Richels R.& Toth F.eds., Clim.Change:Integrating
Sci.Econ.,& Policy, IIASA
- Matsuoka Y., Kawashima Y., Kainuma M., Morita T.: A review of CO2 emission reduction
policies in Japan and an assessment of policies of the annex I parties for beyond the
year 2000. (331‐347)
- In: Kainuma M., Matsuoka Y., Morita T. eds., End-use energy model for analysing the policy
options to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, IIASA, 20p
- In: Bhattacharya S.C. et al., Global Warming Issues in Asia Asian, Inst.of Tech.
- Morita T., Matsuoka Y., Kainuma M., Harasawa H., Kai K.: AIM-Asian-Pacific integrated
model for evaluating policy options to reduce GHG emissions and global warming impacts.
- Integrative Assessment of Mitigation,Impacts, and Adaptation to Climate Change, IIASA
- Matsuoka Y., Kainuma M., Morita T.: Scenario analysis of global warming using the
Asian-Pacific integrated model(AIM). (309‐338)
- Costs, Impacts and Benefits of CO2 Mitigation, IIASA
- Matsuoka Y., Kainuma M., Morita T.: On the uncertainty of estimating global climate
change. (371‐384)