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AIM ⁄ APEISトレーニングワークショップ2005


国立環境研究所 大山記念ホール





Session Ⅰ: Opening
10:00-10:10 Opening Address
Dr. M. Kainuma (NIES, Japan)
10:10-10:20 Welcome Address
Ms. S. Tsukahara (MOE, Japan)
10:20-10:40 Introduction of AIM ⁄ APEIS Training Workshop 2005 (PDF)
Dr. T. Masui (NIES, Japan)
10:40-11:00 APEIS Project: Results in Phase I and Proposal in Phase II (PDF)
Dr. M. Kainuma (NIES, Japan)
Session Ⅱ: Introduction of CGE and Development of Dataset
11:00-12:30 CGE Model Development (1): Concept of CGE Model and Simple CGE Model Based on IO Data (PDF)
Dr. T. Masui (NIES, Japan)

-Lunch Break-

14:00-16:00 Special Lecture (1)
Modeling of Developing Country Dynamics: A Perspective (PDF)

Prof. P. Shukla (IIM, India)
Biomass Strategies for Aligning Sustainable Development and Climate Goals (PDF)
Prof. P. Shukla (IIM, India)
16:00-18:00 CGE Model Development (2): CGE Model Development Based on U&V Matrix (PDF)
Dr. T. Masui (NIES, Japan)


Session Ⅲ: Development of Static and Dynamic CGE Model of Your Country
09:00-10:30 CGE Model Development (3): Static & Economy-Oriented CGE (PDF)
Dr. T. Masui (NIES, Japan)
10:30-12:00 Special Lecture (2)
Implications of Carbon Tax and Energy Efficiency Improvement on Thai Economy: Application of AIM ⁄ CGE (PDF)

Dr. S. Malla (AIT, Thailand)

-Lunch Break-

13:30-15:00 CGE Model Development (4): Recursive Dynamics (PDF)
Dr. T. Masui (NIES, Japan)
15:00-18:00 Special Lecture (3)
Model Development for Japan Low Carbon Society Scenario toward 2050 (PDF)

Dr. J. Fujino (NIES, Japan)


Session Ⅳ: Introduction of Environmental Perspectives
09:00-10:30 CGE model development (5): Modeling of Environmental (PDF)
Dr. T. Masui (NIES, Japan)
10:30-12:00 Special Lecture (4)
AIM ⁄ Enduse Model: Features and Applications (PDF)

Dr. M. Kainuma (NIES, Japan)

-Lunch Break-

13:30-15:00 CGE model development (5): Modeling of Environmental (Cont.)
Dr. T. Masui (NIES, Japan)
15:00-18:00 Special Lecture (5)
Introduction of Water Management in AIM ⁄ CGE (PDF)

Dr. Y. Hijioka (NIES, Japan)


Session Ⅴ: Integration with Bottom-up Models
09:00-10:30 CGE model development (6): Linkage with Bottom-up Model
Dr. T. Masui (NIES, Japan)
10:30-12:00 Special Lecture (6)
Application of CGE Model for National Long-term Scenario (PDF)

Ms. R. Kawase (Kyoto Univ., Japan)

-Lunch Break-

13:00-15:00 CGE Model Development (6): Linkage with Bottom-up Model (Cont.)
Dr. T. Masui (NIES, Japan)
15:00-18:00 Special Lecture (7)
Impact Assessment in AIM Framework (PDF)

Dr. K. Takahashi (NIES, Japan)


Session Ⅵ: Presentation of Your Results
14:00- Presentation Session (PDF)
Dr. T. Masui (NIES, Japan)
CGE Analysis - How Nuclear Power Generation Affects Marginal Cost ? - (PDF)
Mr. R. Ishibashi (Titech, Japan)
AIM ⁄ CGE: Thailand (PDF)
Mr. A. Lim and Dr. S. Malla (AIT, Thailand)
Static Model for China (PDF)
Ms.Yang (National Central Univ., Rep. of China) and Ms.Yu (GIEC, China)
Gas and Energy Security in India (PDF)
Mr. S. Dhar and Mr. R. Nair (IIM, India)
AIM ⁄ CGE Modeling: Taiwan (PDF)
Ms. Yang (National Central Univ., Rep. of China) and Dr. Lin (CIER, Rep.of China)
