

国立環境研究所 大山記念ホール


第24回AIM国際ワークショップ 集合写真


A Meta-model Framework for Long-term Adaptation Planning in Korea (PDF)
Ms. Jung Hee Hyun (SNU, Korea)
Co-benefits of Climate Mitigation from Aspects of Global Air Quality
Ms. Yazhen Wu (Pekin Univ., China)
Developing LPS Downscale Model and Apply to Chinese Iron and Steel Industry (PDF)
Dr. Zhaoling Li (NIES, Japan)



Session1: Opening Session
Chairperson: Dr. Toshihiko Masui (NIES, Japan)
09:30-09:35 Welcome Address
Mr. Nobuhiro Kino (Ministry of the Environment, Japan)
09:35-09:50 Overall Activities in FY 2017-2018 (PDF)
Dr. Toshihiko Masui (NIES, Japan)
09:50-10:15 Keynote Speech (1): Emission Pathways and System Transitions: An Assessment of IPCC Special Report on 'Global Warming of 1.5°C (PDF)
Prof. P. R. Shukla (Ahmedabad Univ., India)
10:15-10:40 Keynote Speech (2): What's with Article 6 and 45Q? : Two new research questions (PDF)
Dr. Jae Edmonds (PNNL, USA)

-Coffee Break-

Session2: Activities in Japan
Chairperson: Prof. Koji Shimada (Ritsumeikan Univ., Japan)
11:00-11:15 Cobenefits and Tradeoffs of Combinations of GHGs, SLCPs and Air Pollutants Mitigation Measures: Overview of S12 project (PDF)
Dr. Tatsuya Hanaoka (NIES, Japan)
11:15-11:30 Global modeling activities and a new study on national mitigation policy (PDF)
Prof. Shinichiro Fujimori (Kyoto Univ., Japan)
11:30-11:45 Research Activities toward Low Carbon City in Japan (PDF)
Dr. Shuichi Ashina (NIES, Japan)
11:45-12:00 Development of Spatial Transition Model and Recovery Scenarios in Fukushima (PDF)
Dr. Kei Gomi (NIES, Japan)
12:00-12:20 Discussion

-Lunch Break-

Session3: Research on Low Carbon Society Development in Asia (1)
Chairperson: Prof. Yoko Shimada (Kyoto Univ., Japan)
13:20-13:35 Moving Towards to 2/1.5C Future Energy Transition in China (PDF)
Prof. Xiulian Hu and Prof. Kejun Jiang (ERI, China)
13:35-13:50 Low Carbon Society Scenario 2050 in Korea (PDF)
Prof. Dong Kun Lee (SNU, Korea), Prof. Tae Yong Jung (Yonsei Univ., Korea) and Prof. Chan Park (Univ. of Seoul, Korea)
13:50-14:05 Strategies for Deep Decarbonization in Indonesia (PDF)
Prof. Rizaldi Boer (IPB, Indonesia)
14:05-14:20 The Role of Bioenergy Coupled with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS) in Indonesia’s Deep-Decarbonization Pathway (PDF)
Prof. Retno Dewi (ITB, Indonesia)
14:20-14:35 The Emission Reduction Pathway in Taiwan: What is the Impact?
Dr. Yi Hua Wu (ITRI, Taiwan)
14:35-15:00 Discussion

-Coffee Break-

Session4: Toward Sustainable Low Carbon Society in the World
Chairperson: Mr. Tomoki Ehara (E-konzal, Japan)
15:20-15:35 LCS-RNet Research and Activities in FY2018 (PDF)
Ms. Tomoko Ishikawa (IGES, Japan) and Dr. Mikiko Kainuma (IGES/NIES, Japan)
15:35-15:50 The Efficiency and Equity of Carbon Tax Revenue Recycling: A Case Study of French (PDF)
Dr. Aurélie Mejean (CIRED, France)
15:50-16:05 Modeling Urban Expansion: Downscaling Urban Scenarios under the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (PDF)
Dr. Vincent Viguié (CIRED, France)
16:05-16:20 Implications for Agriculture of +1.5° and +2.0°C Global Warming (PDF)
Dr. Ron Sands (USDA, USA)
16:20-16:40 Discussion

-Coffee Break-

Session 5: Poster session
Synergistic Effect of Regional Energy Transformation and Air Pollution Control (PDF)
Dr. Songyan Ren (CAS, China)
Modelling Water-Energy-Economy Nexus at the Provincial Scale across China
Prof. Hancheng Dai (Pekin Univ., China)
Co-benefits of Climate Mitigation from Aspects of Global Air Quality
Ms. Yazhen Wu (Pekin Univ., China)
Co-Benefit of Climate Change Mitigation on PM2.5 Related Mortality: A Global Aspect
Mr. Chaoyi Guo (Pekin Univ., China)
Comparison of PM2.5 and Ozone Pollution in China (PDF)
Prof. Yang Xie (Beihang Univ., China)
Regional and Sectoral Contributions to Climate Change (PDF)
Dr. Xuanming Su (JAMSTEC, Japan)
Prioritizing Adaptation Measures to Support Local Government Climate Adaptation Planning (PDF)
Ms. Chaeyeon Park (SNU, Korea)
A Meta-model Framework for Long-term Adaptation Planning in Korea (PDF)
Ms. Jung Hee Hyun (SNU, Korea)
Analysis of National and Subnational Governance Systems to Achieve SDGs: Case Studies of Japan and Indonesia (PDF)
Dr. Kanako Morita (FFPRI, Japan)
Estimation of Flexibility Resources for Power System Stabilization under a Long-term Low Carbon Scenario (PDF)
Dr. Hiroto Shiraki (Shiga Pref. Univ., Japan)
Time Variation of Parameters Used in Electricity Demand Models (PDF)
Dr. Keita Honjo (Center for Env. Science in Saitama, Japan)
Frost Risk to Apple Trees under Climate Change
Dr. Yoshimitsu Masaki (Hirosaki Univ., Japan)
Will Electric Vehicles Deliver the Transition to a Low Carbon Future? (PDF)
Prof. Runsen Zhang (Hiroshima Univ., Japan)
An Assessment of Japan’s 2030 Emission Reduction Target Based on the Results from Energy-Economic Models - Applying Decomposition Method for Historical and Prospective Factors of CO2 Emissions- (PDF)
Mr. Akihisa Kuriyama (IGES, Japan)
Evaluation of Japan’s Long Term Climate Mitigation Goal under Uncertain Nuclear Power with the AIM/CGE Model
Dr. Diego Silva Herran (IGES, Japan)
Long-term Projection of Water Use in Japan under Stringent Climate Policy Scenarios (PDF)
Dr. Jingyu Liu (NIES, Japan)
State Level Analysis of Energy Transition in Indian Residential Sector (PDF)
Dr. Satish Kumar Yawale (NIES, Japan)
Developing LPS Downscale Model and Apply to Chinese Iron and Steel Industry (PDF)
Dr. Zhaoling Li (NIES, Japan)
Flood Economic Disruptions and Climate Change Adaptation in Indonesia (PDF)
Dr. Ambiyah Abdullah (NIES, Japan)
Global Bioenergy Potential under Environmental Protection Policies and Societal Transformation Measures (PDF)
Dr. Wenchao Wu (NIES, Japan)
Impacts of Public Acceptance and Willingness to Pay on Achieving Target of Renewable Energy Resources in Japan (PDF)
Dr. Lu Gao (NIES, Japan)
The Impact of Regional Climate and Socio-economic Factors on the Variation of Hourly Electricity Demand in Japan: A Regression Analysis Using Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines
Dr. Yuki Hiruta (NIES, Japan)
Impact of Afforestation on the Discharge of the Chao Phraya River under a Warmer Climate (PDF)
Dr. Kumiko Takata (NIES, Japan)
Discharge Extrema for Transient and Stabilized Climates
Dr. Julien Boulange (NIES, Japan)
Can the GRACE-GLDAS Based Method Detect Contrasting Intensity of Anthropogenic Evapotranspiration? A Case Study of Two Large-scale Basins in China
Dr. Zhipin Ai (NIES, Japan)
A Review of Quality of Life (QOL) Assessments and Indicators: towards a “QOL-Climate” Assessment Framework
Dr. Ronald Canero Estoque (NIES, Japan)
Integrated Regional Climate Projection with a Regression Model Using Multi-model Ensemble
Dr. Noriko N. Ishizaki (NIES, Japan)
Potential Distribution of Pine Wilt Disease under Future Climate Change Scenarios
Dr. Akiko Hirata (NIES, Japan)
The Effects of Hot Nights on Mortality in Japan
Dr. Satbyul Kim (NIES, Japan)
Influences of Planning Unit (PU) Characteristics in Landscapes Dominated by Different Land-Cover for Systematic Conservation Planning
Dr. Yongwon Mo (NIES, Japan)
Narratives for Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs) in Japan: Linking Local Scenarios and Global Context
Dr. He Chen (NIES, Japan)
Forecasting Regional Road Transport Service Demand: Thai’s Energy Efficiency Policy Target Perspective
Dr. Penwadee Cheewaphongphan (NIES, Japan)
Assessing the Potential Economic Impact of GHG Mitigation Policy in Land Use Change and Forestry (LUCF) in Indonesia (PDF)
Ms. Marissa Malahayati (NIES and Tokyotech, Japan)



Session 6: Impact and Adaptation (1)
Chairperson: Dr. Kiyoshi Takahashi (NIES, Japan)
09:25-09:30 Introduction to activities of the NIES AIM/Impact team in FY2018 (PDF)
Dr. Kiyoshi Takahashi (NIES, Japan)
09:30-09:45 Integrated Assessment of the Economic Impacts of Climate Change: Results of S-14 Project
Dr. Jun’ya Takakura (NIES, Japan)
09:45-10:00 Climate policies and biodiversity (tentative) (PDF)
Dr. Haruka Ohashi (FFPRI, Japan)
10:00-10:15 Identifying Trade-offs and Co-benefits of Climate Policies in China to Align Policies with SDGs and Achieve the 2 °C Goal (PDF)
Dr. Jingyu Liu (NIES, Japan)
10:15-10:30 Varying Benefits of Irrigation Expansion for Crop Production under a Changing Climate (PDF)
Dr. Masashi Okada (NIES, Japan)
10:30-10:50 Discussion

-Coffee break-

Session 7: Impact and Adaptation (2)
Chairperson: Dr. Yasuaki Hijioka (NIES, Japan)
11:10-11:25 Climate Change Adaptation Act and related activities in Japan (PDF)
Dr. Kazutaka Oka (NIES, Japan)
11:25-11:40 Introduction to Climate Change Adaptation Planning of the Public Enterprise in Korea (PDF)
Dr. Jung Hui-Cheul (KEI, Korea)
11:40-11:55 Strategizing Decision Support System for Long-term Local Climate Adaptation Planning (PDF)
Ms. Jung Hee Hyun and Prof. Dong Kun Lee (SNU, Korea)
11:55-12:10 Impact Assessment of Changes in the Emission of SO2 and BC on Rice Productivity in Asia (PDF)
Prof. Yuji Masutomi (Ibaraki Univ., Japan)
12:10-12:30 Discussion

-Lunch break-

Session 8: Research on Low Carbon Society Development in Asia (2)
Chairperson: Dr. Junichi Fujino (NIES and IGES., Japan)
13:30-13:45 AIM local LCS scenarios and beyond (PDF)
Dr. Junichi Fujino (NIES and IGES, Japan)
13:45-14:00 Thailand’s 1.5 Degrees (PDF)
Prof. Bundit Limmeechokchai (SIIT-TU, Thailand)
14:00-14:15 Mitigation Pathways for Net Zero GHG Emission by 2050: A Case of Nepal (PDF)
Prof. Ram Shrestha (AITM, Nepal)
14:15-14:30 Low Carbon Society Development in Malaysian Cities- From LCS Blueprint to Programs (PDF)
Prof. Ho Chin Siong (UTM, Malaysia)
14:30-14:45 Low carbon development scenarios for cities in Vietnam (PDF)
Dr. Tung Lam Nguyen (ISPOMRE, Vietnam)
14:45-15:10 Discussion

-Coffee break-

Session 9: Discussion on Low Carbon Development Strategy
Chairperson: Dr. Toshihiko Masui (NIES, Japan)
15:30-16:50 Discussion
Session 10: Closing
Chairperson: Dr. Toshihiko Masui (NIES, Japan)
16:50-17:00 Closing Remarks
Dr. Mikiko Kainuma (NIES and IGES, Japan)

